Category Archives: Uncategorized

50th Anniversary Survey

2024 marks the 50th year of the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan proposing law reform aimed at modernizing and simplifying the laws of Saskatchewan. The Commission is interested in hearing perspectives and feedback on the work of the Commission via survey:

The survey contains 9 questions and should take approximately 5 – 10 minutes to complete. The survey will close on September 30, 2024.

2021-2022 Annual Report

The Law Reform Commission Annual Report for 2021-2022 has been posted. Read the document here.

The Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan Law Reform Paper Prize

The Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan will award $200 annually to a student from the University of Saskatchewan College of Law who submits the best paper relating to the field of law reform in Saskatchewan.  Students may submit papers completed in connection with courses offered by the College of Law. Papers must be between 4,000 – 12,500 words in length, and must have been written during the current academic year. Papers must be submitted to the Law Reform Commission’s Director of Research ( by April 15 of each year.


New final report papers on The Intestate Succession Act 1996 and The Homesteads Act, 1989 have been posted on our publications page.


The Fee Waiver Act and The Fee Waiver Regulations are both in force as of February 26, 2016.

The Fee Waiver Act passed

The Saskatchewan Legislature has passed The Fee Waiver Act. This Act will come into force once it is proclaimed. The development of this Act was a response to the Commission’s 2013 report: Access to Justice – Needy Person Certificates and Waiver of Fees: Final Report. The recommendations of the Commission in this report are intended to improve access to justice for the less advantaged members of our community through fee waivers.

CBA Mid-Winter Meeting

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth at the Mid-Winter Meeting. Congratulations to our draw winners Byron and Nicole. Your prizes are on their way!

Fee Waiver Act

In October 2014, Bill 145, The Fee Waiver Act, was introduced to the legislature in response to the Commission’s 2013 report: Access to Justice – Needy Person Certificates and Waiver of Fees: Final Report. See the leader post on the Fee Waiver Act.

Job Posting: Director

The Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan invites applications for the position of Director of the Commission. The application deadline is July 4, 2014. For more information, please see the Director job posting.

2014 FOLRAC Symposium

The Federation of Law Reform Agencies of Canada (FOLRAC) is presenting a symposium from February 20-22, 2014, at Allard Hall, University of British Columbia. The symposium is co-hosted by the Commission and the British Columbia Law Institute (BCLI), and the theme is “Engaging the Public and Government.” Representatives from each of the member agencies will be in attendance, as will be representatives from the British Columbia Ministry of Justice and the Scottish Law Commission. The registration deadline is January 15, 2014. For information on registration, please contact the Director of Research.

CBA Family Law South Section, January 23, 2014

The Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan will be meeting with the CBA Saskatchewan Family Law South Section on Thursday, January 23, 2014, to discuss the Reform of The Land Contracts (Actions) Act: Consultation Paper. The Commission will be taking this opportunity to solicit feedback on the issues raised in the Consultation Paper, focusing on the role of family breakdown in foreclosure. To register, please contact the Canadian Bar Association – Saskatchewan Branch.