Gaps in the Powers of Attorney Act have left those who wish others to administer their affairs vulnerable to abuse and without adequate guidance. The Commission suggests addressing a number of issues, including standard forms, a standard test of capacity, criteria of admissibility for attorneys, the effect of death or divorce on power of attorney, and appointment of a corporate attorney under an enduring power.
Publications by Key Term: guardianship
Proposals for a Guardianship Act, Part I: Personal Guardianship Jan 1983
The Saskatchewan Mentally Disordered Persons Act fails to meet the needs of mentally ill persons requiring personal guardians. The Commission proposes a Personal Guardianship Act to provide a clear and efficient legal framework for legal guardianship. The Commission also recommends the creation of an Office of the Public Guardian, as well as an ombudsman to regulate the system.
Custody, Parental Guardianship and the Civil Rights of Minors: Proposals Dec 1981
Between August 1979 and May 1980, the Law Reform Commission published three sets of tentative proposals concerning child custody and child civil rights. The 20 specific final recommendations in this report (mostly pertaining to the Infants Act) would implement the Commission’s earlier findings and recommendations. This report also includes a comment on the proposed Children’s Rights Act.