Publications by Key Term: professional discipline

Handbook on Professional Discipline Procedure Mar 2007

This Handbook is a guide to procedure in disciplinary investigations and hearings conducted by most professional associations in Saskatchewan. Of the 50 self-governing professions in the province, 29 are governed by legislation that incorporates what can be called the “standard model” of disciplinary procedure. The handbook follows the stages of discipline proceedings under the “standard model” from receipt of the complaint to assessment of the penalty.

The handbook directs attention to statutory requirements and explains them. Decision of the courts and the general law governing procedure are discussed when they are relevant.

This publication may also be purchased in a bound, index-tabbed format from the Queen’s Printer.

Professional Disciplinary Procedure – Handbook: Draft for Consultation Sep 2004

This handbook provides guidelines for Investigation and Discipline Committees where guidance is not available in current statute or where an organization lacks ready access to legal advice. The handbook is designed for self-governing professional groups following the standard model of internal discipline.