The Fee Waiver Act passed

The Saskatchewan Legislature has passed The Fee Waiver Act. This Act will come into force once it is proclaimed. The development of this Act was a response to the Commission’s 2013 report: Access to Justice – Needy Person Certificates and Waiver of Fees: Final Report. The recommendations of the Commission in this report are intended to improve access to justice for the less advantaged members of our community through fee waivers.

One thought on “The Fee Waiver Act passed

  1. John Dunn

    I am happy to hear Saskatchwan has enacted this legislation. Congratulations to everyone involved. I have a concern that the Law Reform Commission should be aware of if it is not already, is that when people apply for a Fee Waiver, they should not be subject to the motions from defendants for Security for Costs. In other words, if a low-income citizen initiates an action, they defendant should not be able to apply to the court to have the matter dismissed because the other party (applicant/plaintiff) does not have enough money to cover the potential costs of the defendant.

    Is this automatically addressed or will it be in regulations?


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